Budget Materials Don't Mean Cheap

You don't need expensive looms to weave amazing fabrics! There are options for long lasting looms that won't break the bank. Learn about inexpensive and free loom options for weaving!

Inexpensive Can Be More Sustainable

You can find weaving tools and materials around your house, in the clearance section, and even your recycling bin.

Reusing and repurposing materials is not only more affordable, but also sustainable!

Creativity Is Always Free

When you make the decision to learn something new with materials and tools that aren't traditionally used, it forces you to be more creative!

You might even be surprised that the inexpensive option is one that you want to continue using.

Weaving Can Be Expensive

Trust me, I know!

Between the looms, yarn, tools, and more you can spend a lot of money to do something that should be fun and bring you peace.

This doesn't have to be the case!

Luckily, you don't have to spend a lot of to create the woven artwork of your dreams.

Especially when you are first starting out, there are so many options to weave on a budget and still make what you want to make.

Let's learn how to weave on a budget so you can have your peace of mind and your creative outlet.

Get these (and more) questions answered:

  • Is there anytime you should spend more when weaving?
  • What if you want a large weaving and all you have is a small loom?
  • What questions should you ask when buying second-hand?

What Students Are Saying:

Weaving on a Budget was a great introduction to basic weaving, not just the budget aspect. Nicole includes helpful tips about using things around your house (a comb, forks, ruler, medicine bottles). The explanations of weaving jargon and processes are clear in the text and images. This ebook also has links to detailed instructions in the Warped Fibers posts. For example, I learned about having 2, 3, or 4 selvedges on a frame loom. I had no idea! Speaking of frame looms, they look so simple and fun that I plan to assemble the components and play with one this week! I'm glad to have a resource I can use to make sure I'm on the right track. Thanks, Nicole!

-Diane Bowdon

Hi! I'm Nicole!

I am a weaver and fiber artist that loves to share her passion with anyone willing to listen! I started weaving in 2012 as a student at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and I haven't stopped since. I have been teaching people how to weave since 2015 with my in-person classes at local art centers, yarn shops, and a semester as adjunct faculty at VCU. I have taught frame weaving (2 and 4 selvedge), weaving on a floor loom, tapestry, embroidery weaving, introduction to textiles, and more!

I began Warped Fibers at the beginning of 2020 so that I could connect and teach more people about the wonderful world of weaving (gotta love alliteration!) Weaving is a fun, meditative, historically significant, and enriching skill that ANYONE can learn.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is any of this information available on your blog for free?

AYes-ish. I'm not going to lie to you. This e-book was originally inspired by multiple blog posts on Warped Fibers and I pulled information from these posts. BUT with this e-book you can get it in one place (you don't have to go looking for it!) and it also includes extra information not found on the blog.

Q: Can I share this e-book?

ANo. When you purchase this e-book/ guide you are promising that you will be the sole viewer and will not distribute the pdf or it's contents. BUT, I would love it if you told your friends and family about it so they can purchase one for themselves!

Q: How do I get my EBook?

A: Your EBook with NOT be emailed to you. Instead, you will be able to access your download link from this website while you are logged into your account. You will also have access to any future updates from this same area. Updates are always included at no extra cost!

Q: Will I receive emails from Warped Fibers after purchase?

A. Yes, when you purchase this e-book or any course from Warped Fibers you will automtically be added to our mailing list. But, don't worry! You can unsubscribe at anytime. If you stay on the list, though, then you will have access to updates, weaving tips, a community page with freebies, and more!

Are You Ready?